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Paths Unknown

Sometimes we are headed to a destination we have been to many times. The journey is never boring and the destination is always magical. Sometimes, however, the whole of the experience can be so far beyond what has ever been experienced or could be expected, or even perceived, we can do nothing but stand in reverence. Today, was one of those days. It was a windy day. Wind beyond the average. Trees breaking in half. Debris and street dust creating a cloud of disarray. Despite the turbulence we traversed the terrain from the valley to the peak through epic wind and breaking trees, heading north toward the usual destination: Mt Shasta! As we came upon the mountain, the strangest of strangest sights beheld us. The sky was blue, clear, it was about 50 degrees ish. However, surrounding the mountain was a massive thick mysterious cloud surrounding only around Mt. Shasta and completely obscuring the mountain. As we spiraled up the mountain toward the peak, the temperature dropped, a lot, all the way down into a cold 25 degree freeze. And….. the best part….it was snowing. One week ago it was warm, bone dry. The unexpected contrast was extreme. It was so cold today, that I was out of the car for less than 10 minutes and my hands literally started to freeze. Turn red. Ache. Go numb. The whole experience was both so ordinary and so beyond ordinary. It was like we completely entered into another dimension along another timeline. The message: Sometimes the known path can be totally unknown. When looking with ordinary eyes, it is easy to miss the messages that are right before us. Therefore, drop all expectations and open the mind to potentials that expand beyond this reality. Rather than seeing the same old path, expect the miraculous and look beyond at what seems so ordinary into the obscure. Realize that anything is possible, especially when communing with a sacred mountain like Mt Shasta that exists in both this dimension and another. In addition, realize the power of your words in prayer. Thank you Mt Shasta for showing us this.


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