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Heading Into Wonderland

I am heading into wonderland with my fishtails in tow to rise beyond the limits of perception. I expect to be challenged in the good kind of way that facilitates growth. I have felt stuck on a plateau. I know what I need to do. Something keeps stopping me, blocking me, life has a way sometimes of manifesting anything and everything to mirror that which lives in the heart. It therefore becomes quite the predicament to know what you need to do, how to do it, yet because there is an apprehension, the fear, doubt, hesitation, life pleasantly presents opportunities to do anything but. Wonderland is the place of change. The place of changing the core, eradicating the doubt and fear, and blasting open the door to yes, I can, I will, I AM! There is no doing in wonderland. Only being. Dazed and amazed until there is no more hesitation. There is really no effort. Everything just is magically unfolding. After taking the journey through Wonderland, something profound takes a place in the heart. It is a magical amazing place that transforms pleasantly, beautifully, naturally, with ease, and flow. Along the ride the scenery is breathtaking, the encounters are inspiring and heartfelt. The space is safe and sacred. It is so natural and pleasant it almost seems as if nothing is really that profound, potent, or powerful. Until, emerging on the other side. The jaw drops open, the eyes light up, in a sense of awe, and wonder. Behold! So much transformed in such a subtle, pleasant, powerful way. There was no struggle or discontent. There was no doing. Or questioning. No doubting. No fear. The word, wonderful, rolls off the tongue like a fish gliding through water. Slick and smooth. Natural, graceful, and light. This is Wonderland!

Now, are you wondering what fishtails are? They are the stories we tell that distract us from our truth. They keep us manifesting opportunities to remain on our plateau. They keep us entangled to the same group, within and without, that encourages us to remain on plateau du pleasant, or plateau du present, or plateau du hamster wheel with them, doing what we always do, chopping water, carrying wood. Fishtails are necessary in Wonderland, for while we are focused on our fishtail, the magic is at work to bring us to a divine truth so raw that it moves us beyond the plateau of how life has been, is, or could be, into a whole new dimension beyond any known perspective, and sets us in the presence of the great, powerful, and potent state of full wonder. Wonderful! Nothing is asked of you to enter wonderland. Just keep your fishtail in tow, and one day, you will find yourself wandering beyond wonderland full of wonder as you find yourself having transcended through a wonderful shift that elevated you to the awe struck state of wonder while realizing you are now wandering in a whole new landscape well beyond the old plateau.


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