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The run of shows is over,285 shows for this year and a total of 640 in Japan, and I would love to do another 300+ as I do love this experience and it seems to get better with time.  I’m now embarking on my 10 day journey living out of a backpack and travelling around Japan.  I will be in different cities every day and have left a fair amount of non-planned exploration time to allow myself to go where the winds of Japan blow, to listen for the calling, and go into the depths.  After a two and a half hour ride on the bullet train, I spent last night in Oaska on Kansai, which was quite an experience.  It was raining and the small side and back streets were swollen with clear plastic umbrellas forming a watery canopy as far as the eye could see.  There were blinking lights, club music, people dressed up for a night out, bars, restaurants open until late, and all manners of non-stop nightlife. It was quite a surreal experience.  I was able to find a fabulous Sushi restaurant that served vegetarian sushi rolls and got lost strolling around the hub of the Namba district. Today, after visiting the Suntory Whiskey Distillery and trying 8 different types of whiskey including the new make and kinds that could never be tried anywhere but at the distillery itself, while learning about barrels, and woods, and different types of whiskey, I am now situated in Kyoto, where I will be for the good majority of the day.  Kyoto is a place I have longed to adventure to and I am thrilled to be here.  I can’t wait to get out into the magic of the city.  I am noticing that how in each region, each city I travel to there are differences; from clothing styles, to mannerisms, and even the use of language.  At the Osaka stations there are women only train cars which I also found to be interesting.


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