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Limelight of Truth

Bowing into the forges of my soul I come to know the dawning of the limelight of truth and that which I must do. Queasy from the journey, barely able to stand, yet I find that last sliver of power in my being to find my feet and return the precious human life I am grateful to live. Perhaps it was the patterns in the sky dance that night, or those that sat patiently holding space while I shed the skin of uniforms I had put on that I had long over grown. Ultimately it was compassion that fueled the vehicle and brought me to my feet giving me the strength to return to the collective in which I danced. I could have stayed on that rock in the otherworld protected by the sacred fire trapped in darkness removed from the healing, but the voices spoke, the energy surged, and my heart knew only the cries of those who were courageous enough to throw themselves into the depths. There was a sense as they purged their pain that we were all the same. We were a collective dropping to our knees in bare naked truth to heal the generations of delusion and deceit. We allowed ourselves to witness our inherent vulnerability and without judgment, we held each other outside of time and space. We were immortal yet dying with each surge and birthing ourselves to a life beyond the wound. We were connected and It was at that moment that I entered the baptismal waters on a full moonlit night. Thunder swept the sky digging up whatever remnant of the shadow. Through many cyclic turns, the pattern emerged, the message was heard, the portal opened, and through it we went, emerging to stand before the great cosmic mirror. Looking back were the big bright eyes of the full moon. We could not see each other, only the eyes of the moon. I felt alone before being swallowed and my ego digested. I was taken apart into stardust and scattered throughout the universe and was reassembled through the reverberating vibrations of a didgeridoo. I was shown the ways of the fire by way of a jaguar. I sat and observed, frozen, yet blazing. An array of downloads came flooding in so overwhelming I was no longer a body but a collective vibration and had to find my dream breath, out if which a question mark exploded into a giant blue butterfly surrounded by a deluge of rainbow butterlfies fluttering from within my eternal eye. I attempted to open my voice yet spoke the language of plants, I attempted to see yet could only see the veins of nature coursing from the trees, plants, vines, and leaves. When I regained my visual in the mirror, I stood facing a fuzzy version of my new reassembled transformed self with new eyes. Found myself reading messages I had written my future self long ago and had left scattered in various places in the universe. Then appeared the key. The key to unlock my heart that contains the a treasure chest where I long ago stored the precious jewels protecting them from pirates. My light and my soul trapped in a box locked deep within. Then the message appeared. Delivered to me via special delivery right to my meditation loft. Yesterday, at Hi Line Electric, just after waking into the magic of a mysterious day, appeared a delivery truck that read, “tired of your light box”. I laughed and thought, "no, I like my light box". Upon further contemplation however, I realized, that In keeping my light trapped in a box, I am choosing to live small and unseen. I am protecting myself; from what, from whom, why. My soul is aching to grow. I no longer am willing to contain the light trapped in my heart, the precious gifts must be set free. For It is now that I know I am the pirate I was hiding my own gifts from. I have the key and have rediscovered the location of the chest. I now embark on the adventurous journey to acquire the treasure. I set sail tomorrow and wonder who is getting on this ship. For it is likely, from what I have seen, that there is a collective of people setting sail tomorrow all on their own recognizance missions, who have found they key and are going in to reclaim their beautiful life. Step up, step in, let’s go!


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